
Saturday, August 13, 2022

Weekend in Black and White - August 13, 2022


                                                                      Apples on our tree

                    For Weekend in Black and White

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Sabina's Story: A day in the life of a refugee

 The following video highlights the work of Canadian Lutheran World Relief, the Lutheran World Federation, and the Government of Canada amongst South Sudan women in an Uganda refugee camp. They provide socio-psychological support, they also provide them with training to become more self-sufficient in order that they can provide for their children. The media here in Canada rarely provides coverage of situations like this in several of the African countries. So hopefully you find this video helpful and encouraging, and perhaps it will inspire you to give generously to organizations like CLWR and LWF, which offer two-third's world peoples opportunities to improve their standard of living.