
Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Wordless Wednesday - December 11, 2024


                                                   For Wordless Wednesday


CARMEN said...

O wow! How much snow! How much white! What beautiful pictures!
Happy WW 🤗

Sandee said...

Both shots are so beautiful. Wow. I love seeing the snow. We don't get snow here. It's always so quiet and peaceful when it snows.

Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

bookworm said...

The second picture looks so inviting. I loved snow as a child. Now, as a senior, I think snow is beautiful as long as it is somewhere else. Alana

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

The snow looks lovely but I am glad we rarely get it. We seem to get an accumulation every 8-10 years though of up to 8 inches, and very rarely we get a lot more. Now it is usually just a dusting.

Ingrid said...

How nice to see some snow ! So far we had 3 flakes beginning November, now it's only cold !

Veronica Lee said...

Lovely winter scenes! A real delight for those of us living in tropical regions.

Suzana said...

The images are so beautiful. But in the town I do not like such a big snow. Thank you for sharing these landscapes.
Happy Today and a fine weekend!

fiordaliso said...

Wow, it's so beautiful! We don't really see snow anymore.

Eclecticity said...

Thanks everyone for your comments. With global warming-climate change, it sounds like many of you have very little or no snow. Too bad. I hope we continue to have snow, since even though I'm a senior, I like to cross-country ski.