
Monday, January 27, 2014

On the lighter side

On the lighter side, someone passed on this video to me today. Whether or not it actually happened or if it's a fake, nonetheless in addition to it giving me a chuckle, I think it's "a soundbite moral tale" for a couple of reasons. First, it teaches us not to mess with little old women with shopping bags. Second, it's a great example of NOT living by the Golden Rule, and NOT loving your neighbour as yourself. Enjoy.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Love your enemies

One of the most inspirational preachers of the twentieth century was the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. During this Week of
Image Credit: Robert Casilla
Prayer for Christian Unity, it is instructive for us all to learn from one another and grow in our faith and life journey by studying, reading, praying with and for, and participating in worship and social justice projects with other Christians from a wide spectrum of denominations. To that end, I post the following link to a sermon preached by the Rev. Dr. King, Jr. based on Matthew 5:38-45, at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, in Montgomery, Alabama on November 17, 1957: Love your enemies

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

14 Things you shouldn't say to your Pastor

The folks at have listed the following 14 things parishioners shouldn't say to their pastor.

1. I wish I had a job like yours, where I could work only one day a week.
2. What do you do with all the free time you have?
3. Can I have a couple of minutes before you preach?
Image Credit:
4. I love you pastor, but _______________________________ (fill in the blank).
5. I like your preaching, pastor, but I really like ____________________________ (fill in the blank with television or podcast preacher).
6. Can your wife/husband play piano?
7. Your kids shouldn't behave that way. After all, they are pastor's kids.
8. Your low salary is good for you. It keeps you humble and dependent on the Lord.
9. I bet you don't spend any time preparing your sermons.
10. Pastor ________________ (predecessor pastor) didn't do it that way.
11. You don't have a real degree. You went to seminary.
12. How much longer do you think you'll be at our church?
13. Did I wake you up pastor? It's only 1 a.m.
14. Did you hear what they are saying about you?

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Prayer of the Day/Collect for Baptism of Our Lord

God of water and life, long ago you sent your Son, Jesus to be baptised by your servant John to fulfill all righteousness. We
Image Credit: James B. Janknegt, Baptism of Christ
praise and thank you that through our baptism into the death and resurrection of Christ, we are given the water of life through a covenant that equips us to serve you and your holy purposes in the world; through your Son who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit; one God, now and through all ages of ages.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

World's only ice music festival

From January 16-19, the world's one and only Ice Music Festival will be held for its ninth year at Geilo, Norway.  Located in the idyllic mountain home of Geilo in Norway, under the watchful eye of the mighty Hallingskarvet Plateau - the Ice Music Festival’s aesthetics, music and nature, melt together under the first full moon of the year. 
   Constructed and formed exclusively from naturally harvested ice and snow, the Festival is a tribute to art, the environment and one of the world’s most vital resources - water. Frozen water.
   Conceived and developed in 2006 by ice music pioneer Terje Isungset and Pål K Medhus, the Ice Music Festival is an annual celebration of collaborative music and expression performed by specially invited artists, curated by Terje.
   Here's a sample of what those who attend will hear and see from the 2012 festival.